Articles in this section
What is tax identification number (TIN)?
Tax Identification Numbers differs depending on the country.
The details and examples of documents where you can find your TIN depending of your country of origin can be found here:
For EU residents:
For both EU and non-EU residents:
How to deliver my documents to XBmarkets?
Any documents can be uploaded via the Client Portal during your registration process or at any later stage.
Alternatively, you can submit your documents to [email protected]
Can I apply for different Categorisation?
All registered Clients are initially categorized as ‘Retail’ by default.
Any Client can be treated as Professional upon their explicit written request and also provided that they prove to have met at least two of the following criteria:
- The client has carried out transactions in significant size, at an average frequency of 10 per quarter over the previous four quarters.
- The size of the client’s financial instrument portfolio exceeds EUR 500.000.
- The client works or has worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position, which requires knowledge of the transactions or services envisaged.
Professional Client Status Details
Any Client can be treated as Professional upon their explicit written request and also provided that they prove to have met at least two of the following criteria:
- Elective Professional Clients must keep the Company informed about any change, which could affect their categorisation.
- Leverage Limits can be higher than those provided to retail clients as per the Product Intervention Measures respective for the Clients’ country of residency.
- No ICF coverage applies to Professional Clients. The Professional Clients explicitly waive their right to ICF coverage.
- The Company will request and examine evidence confirming that you have the relevant knowledge and experience levels to understand the risks in trading leveraged products.
The above serves as a summary of the Differences between Professional and Retail Clients only and is not exhaustive. Should you wish to apply for different Categorisation, you can contact us to [email protected]
How can I get verified
A. Physical person / individual client
Proof of identity
i.e. a valid and clear colour copy of your Passport, ID card or driving license.
Proof of address
i.e. utility bill (landline, water, electricity, gas, internet), bank statement, local authority tax bill, reference letter from bank or attorney. The document shall be in your name, contain full address details and it cannot be older than 6 months.
B. Legal entity /Corporate client:
In case you wish for the establishment of an account of a legal entity client a separate/different application form needs to be filled, while more documentation needs to be provided (e.g. corporate documents, identification documents of U.B.Os and directors etc.). For more information please contact our customer support at [email protected].
Legal: is a website operated by Redpine Capital Ltd, which is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, license number 391/20.
Registered Address: Vasili Michaelidi 21-23, Areti Tower, 2nd Floor, 3026 Limassol, Cyprus
Investing in shares involves risks, most notably the risk of losing all your invested capital. You should consider our Risk Disclosure Notice for Stocks trading before making a decision to invest, acquire or to continue to hold any of our products. Never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.
Any references to past performance, historical returns, future projections, and statistical forecasts are no guarantee of future returns or future performance
Restricted regions: Redpine Capital Ltd provides services primarily to residents of countries from the European Economic Area (EEA). The information on this site is not intended for residents of Belgium or the United States, or use by any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation, or where AML restrictions exist, as per the policies of the Company.
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